EMEC PoolBravo

POOLBRAVO is a turnkey product designed to manage the essential parameters of pool water treatment quickly and easily. With various configuration options, it helps optimize chemical dosing and consumption.
Its sleek design makes POOLBRAVO ideal for any installation, offering protection against liquid leaks while preserving the cleanliness and integrity of the internal components.

The integrated LD multiple-reading digital system provides full control over measurement parameters and chemical dosing. Thanks to the LCD display and ENCODER control knob, navigating through the menus is simple. The system is equipped with a wide range of sensors that can measure chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide, oxygen, bromine, chlorine, ozone, peracetic acid, and chlorine dioxide.

The PEF sensor holder features a colored LED light that, visible through an opening in the cover, quickly indicates operating statuses or potential alarms based on the light’s color.

Additionally, POOLBRAVO can be monitored and controlled remotely via EMEC's exclusive ERMES online system, allowing you to keep track of your pool’s condition from anywhere using a smartphone or computer.

• Level control for each pump
• pH measurement (0-14)
• Chlorine measurement (0-1000 mV)
• Temperature measurement
• Manual dosing of acid and chlorine
• Proportional dosing of acid and chlorine
• pH-prioritized acid and chlorine dosing
• Anti-algae or flocculant dosing (optional)
• Ethernet, GSM, or Wi-Fi options (optional)
• Exterior design suitable for any installation
• Alarm system
• Turnkey product

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